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If you have received a statement from TIP Systems it is because collect calls from a private phone system in a jail, prison, or public building have been accepted at your telephone number. Someone at your number pressed the acceptance key on your telephone to accept a collect call. You are responsible for these charhes, payable to the payphone service provider.

These calls will not be on your regular telephone bill.

These calls are not subject to your local telephone company block. They are dialed directly to your line from the payphone/inmate service provider.

Failure to pay this bill will result in a late fee being added to your account every 30 days. If payment is not received in 90 days your name and account information will be transferred to our ADVANCED COLLECTIONS DEPARTMENT.

Payment Information:

  1. We accept checks and money orders in the mail. Payments postmarked on or before the deliquent date are NOT late and no late fee will be assessed. 

  2. You may make electronic payment via our web site WWW.TALKCOLLECT.COM or through one of these venues. Payments electronically posted on or before the deliquent date are NOT late and not late fee will be assessed. 


  3. We accept partial payments. Please call us to work out a payment plan. Late fees are not applied if a partial payment is made before the deliquent date.

Pay via PayPal

Pay via Credit Card

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